Saturday, March 29, 2008

Come Together

I like American Idol. Since Fantasia's season (what was the number?), I've been watching the show pretty regularly. Shetty and I used to discuss the performances, especially in the labs. (Or am I confusing this with Nach Baliye?) At any rate, we used to discuss it. Remember Ace?

This year, I'm in Blacksburg, a run-down graduate student, without a TV. But thanks to Youtube, I can catch the performances online pretty much the same night. I like most of the singers this season, but actually, this blog is not supposed to be about Idol. I was leading up to the fact that for the first two weeks, the contestants sang Beatles songs. And I've totally fallen for some of the songs that I heard.

My current fave is Come Together. Just love it. Can listen to it all day. John Lennon rocks. Eleanor Rigby is one of the saddest songs ever. And Yesterday, one of the most beautiful.

I totally intended this post to be long, and meaningful, and poignant, and whatnot. But my shoulder hurts too much for me to continue typing. So I bid you all a good night.