Friday, November 24, 2006


To our combined shock, we qualified!!! We were the only girls, and the only non RVCE team. Felt kinda weird, but in a very good way! Should I cut a long story short??? I think I will.

WE WON, WE WON, WE WON.............

Its an amazing feeling to win. It doesn't matter what, it's just great.

Meh and I started studying together in our second semester. At first, it was math, integral calculus. We studied hard, and I mean, hard. It proved to be quite effective, so we progressed to other subjects, and now, well, you can imagine. We've managed to squeeze in a number of movies while we were supposedly "studying" together. Its been great.

Meh loves "Miss Congenialigy". You won't believe the attention she's paid to the dialogue. She knows strange wildlife facts, and she has no hesitation whatsoever, in enlightening the general public.

Another thing you should know is that she's totally unpredictable sometimes. We had gone to Nagarhole last year. She was totally freaked about the cabin's location. Apparently, she was scared that tigers would come and gobble her up. She's probably going to seriously injure me after reading this. If I don't blog again for some time, you'll know why.


Anonymous said...

I must watch Ms. Congenilaity. And which is the movie after which ham went haaaaaaaaaa??? :P

Anonymous said... havent blogged for quite sometime...are u alright?? ;-)

Megha said...

ya ya ok ppl..
here comes the wildlife fact (supposedly i am the only one who heard this dialogue in miss congeniality):
" the female hyena has a penis" :)
i am done